Saturday, August 29, 2015
New season new adventures
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Busy again, But can you guess at what.
What are we doing now you may ask. CANNING. Yep it is that time of year again when we are together like it or not. We grow most of our own vegetables and can them ourselves and well the garden waits for no one and when you are picking and canning for three families there is a lot to do.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Learning to set Bush Hooks
This is a little longer that i had planned but i had to tell the whole story.
As mentioned in our post Bo on the river, I got a boat last November. I grew up on The Pee Dee river, so now that I have a boat I try to stay on it as much as possible. I have many good memories on the Brown Lady and hope to make many more. One of the activities that I am working on mastering is setting bush hooks.
For those of you who do not know, setting bush hooks is a way of catching catfish. You tie a line and baited hook to a tree at night and check it in the morning. I prefer to use Gamakatsu Octopus Circle Hook-6 Per Pack (Black, 8/0). But your favourite circle hook will work. But that is not what this post is about.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
A Different Perspective
Friday, March 20, 2015
Bo on the River "We should have stayed home"
Growing up I hunted and fished on the river. I still have many great memories of the PeeDee at sunrise. However after a grew i did not get to do this as much as I used to. After my boat messed up I had to rely on others to go. Well this past November I solved that problem. I bought a new (to me) boat. It is a sixteen foot Polar Craft, not to big and not to small, perfect for hunting, fishing, shrimping, and taking the family out for a ride. Anyone who buys a boat knows that it is an expense and not a whole lot of an investment, unless you enjoy it.
Lets just say this has been an investment, because i got to witness Bo on the river.
Back at it again
Well we are back at it again. And again let me apologize for the long delay. Like i said in my last post, things got a little hectic. But they are starting to level out now and we are going to try to get back in the swing. Buckman has some new material he is wanting to post and we have some new toys.
We now have a boat, and i will tell you some about that later as well as a new camera. So we should have some better pictures.
We have our annual Quail, Pheasant, and Chukka shoot tomorrow and I plan to have plenty of pictures and picking in the next couple days.
Stick around, this could get interesting.