Saturday, March 24, 2012

2nd Annual Upland Bird Hunt

BO and his phesant.

BO and his pheasant

Today all the guys at Briary River went on our 2nd Annual Upland Bird hunt at Spring Grove Preserve.  It was Bo’s first trip with us and we had a ball.  It was a chore to get the weather to cooperate with us today, but in the end, it was a great day.

Monday, March 19, 2012



This is the story of Dan, as told by Rufus Lawrimore in March of 1987.

Grand Papa had eight sons.  Blue was Papa’s second oldest son, he owned a horse named Dan, Dan was quite a horse.  Papa was always scared of Dan.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Been a While


It’s been a while.  I apologize.  I’ve started back in graduate school, and it seems that all my extra time goes into course work.  What little time I have when I’m not at work, or doing school work we continue to work on other projects we have going on.