Monday, June 13, 2011
Cheap Vs. Expensive
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Reducing our Dependency on Foreign Oil
You may feel this is a stretch. How can I link our dependency on foreign oil with duck hunting? The truth is that everything we do today is tied to the use of oil. This means that the price of oil affects every aspect of our lives. When the price of crude oil spikes like it has in recent weeks, it drives the price of everything up. If you haven’t noticed this means more than the price of gas and shotgun shells, but also more important things, like groceries. If you do not have a family this may not mean much to you, but as a father of two, this has a great impact on the amount of disposable income I have to spend on things like hunting and fishing..
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Buying American Made
Buying American made products is absolutely crucial to stabilizing the American economy. Buying American made products is becoming harder to do as most products available in the marketplace today were produced in other nations. There are a combination of factors in play that are adding up to fewer American made products being available for sale.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Power of the Consumer
As an American I am afraid that we have forgotten the fundamental idea behind the capitalistic economy established by our founding fathers. I am afraid that we have forgotten the power we hold as consumers.