“Why on earth do you go out there that early to hunt a duck”? This is a question that I am often asked. It is also a question that I have a hard time answering. Not because I don’t have an answer, but because I don’t have an answer that they would understand. Anyone who has never been out there does not know what they are missing.
As Buckman has already said hunting is not all about the kill. For me hunting is largely the beauty of nature, God’s creation. Every morning of a hunt, the day starts out dark with a glimmer of light in the east. The promise of a new day. As the sky begins to lighten nature begins to awaken. Birds begin to call and before my unworthy eyes a new day is born.
As I watch the sky turns red then gold as the sun begins to reach the horizon. While for most this is a quiet time before the beauty of the sun rises, for me this is when the fun begins. Ducks begin to fly and call, the hunt is on. As I said the hunt is only part of what I am there for but it is the backbone for all that I witness.
Before you know it the sun is peaking up through the trees and the day is here. We finish our hunt and gather to eat and talk about how we did. This only last a few minutes but it is worth getting up early in the cold to witness.
There is simply something magical and spiritual about seeing a sunrise while you are on the water or in the woods. Almost every morning I watch the sun rise as I ride to work but it is just not the same. It is missing the luster that comes with seeing it while you are in nature.
Granted, I could watch this on most any Saturday, but without the hunt it is hard to get up and get out. I know what I am missing but cannot rouse myself to go see it. If you have never experienced sunrise while you were part of nature then I strongly urge you to do so. You will not be disappointed. Thank goodness turkey season starts tomorrow. Another excuse to visit God’s creation.
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