Friday, May 13, 2011

Why is it that as soon as I decide to go Turkey hunting there are no turkeys to be found.


I know it is a little late for turkey season.  But With PASS testing going on I am brain dead and this was all that I could think of to write about. 

It never fails every year I find the gobblers, buy the equipment, set everything up for turkeys.  Then things start coming up.  I have to do this, some one needs me to do that.  All the while I have been keeping an eye on the turkeys.

Then FINALY I get the chance to go.  And nothing.  I can not even get one to talk to me.  I feel like and ugly girl at a bar.  Shaved her legs put on a bunch of make up and cant even get a ugly drunk guy to talk to her. 

I only got to go twice this year.  I know it is terrible.  I went to the places where they always are.  Any time I am there I see or here them in that spot.  They had sign everywhere.  But there were no turkeys to be found.  I don’t get it. 

Do I have a turkey curse.  Has some one put the turkey root on me.  I know if I went more often I would have better odds but when you teach all week and have a 10 month old at home time gets stretched pretty thin.

Then to top it off I went by there on Tuesday and there he was talking trash.  He must of gobbled 2 dozen times in the 20 minutes that I was outside. 

Next year it is ON.  I hope he enjoys this year he gets to grow.

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