Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Well that was fun

Last week Ray and I set bush hooks for cats.  I am learning a good bit but I still learn a lot while fishing with Ray.  This time was no exception.  Most of what I learned I can not share under penalty of death(and not getting to go back).  But one lesson i learned I can share, and it is possibly the most important lesson of all.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Shad Fishing

  I know there are people out there that love to eat shad. I might even love it if I ever try it. I just have never had the opportunity to try it. But I do enjoy catching them. Now I know some of you are going to fuss that I should not catch them if I don't plan on eating them, but hear me out.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

New season new adventures

Well deer season is upon us here in SC. We'll if you use a bow it is at least. And I use a bow. It's been a pretty wild summer with my crazy work schedule and Buckman starting a new job at a new school. But it is finally hunting season again and all should get back normal shortly. Or at least as close to normal as it can get for now. I am trying a few new things this year. And have some new places to hunt. So stick around and find out how all of this works out. I know I am excited about it. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Busy again, But can you guess at what.

I am beginning to notice a pattern here.  Almost every post talks about how busy we are.  This is because well... we are.  With school winding down for the teachers at The Briary River Way and a new work schedule for me things have gotten a little hectic again.  But fear not we are still plugging away.

What are we doing now you may ask.  CANNING.  Yep it is that time of year again when we are together like it or not.  We grow most of our own vegetables and can them ourselves and well the garden waits for no one and when you are picking and canning for three families there is a lot to do.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Learning to set Bush Hooks

This is a little longer that i had planned but i had to tell the whole story.

As mentioned in our post Bo on the river, I got a boat last November.  I grew up on The Pee Dee river, so now that  I have a boat I try to stay on it as much as possible.  I have many good memories on the Brown Lady and hope to make many more.  One of the activities that I am working on mastering is setting bush hooks.

For those of you who do not know, setting bush hooks is a way of catching catfish.  You tie a line and baited hook to a tree at night and check it in the morning.  I prefer to use Gamakatsu Octopus Circle Hook-6 Per Pack (Black, 8/0).  But your favourite circle hook will work.  But that is not what this post is about.